How to Share Equipment Between Characters in Diablo 4

Gold is the most critical in-game resource. Players use it for nearly everything, from repairing and upgrading gear to brewing elixir consumables and crafting gems. Players can make a lot of Gold by selling lower-grade weapons or armor that aren’t useful to them anymore.

Another good source of Gold is completing World Events. These combat challenges flood players with basic enemies that will drop small amounts of Gold.


The Stash is a new feature in Diablo 4 that allows players to store items and claim them later. It’s a great way to save items that aren’t useful for your current character but could be for another class, such as rings or amulets or even certain weapons. Likewise, it’s good for keeping gems in the Stash that you can use to boost other characters later on.

The best thing about the Stash is that it’s shared between all of your characters in a player account. Unlike in previous Diablo games, where there was a separate inventory for each character, everything is automatically saved to the Stash when you pick it up.

The Stash can be found in the game’s main hub city, Kyovashad. It’s located on the second floor of a house in the top left corner of the city square. Players can also buy additional Stash Tabs, though these are fairly expensive. For more on the Stash and how to increase its capacity, check out this article from Den of Geek. It explains the Gold cost to purchase additional Tabs, how many item slots are available, and where the Stash is located in the game.


The Wardrobe is a handy tool in Diablo 4 that allows players to store all of the equipment they collect and keep it accessible for future adventures. It’s a much more convenient alternative to the stash in previous titles and is essential for anyone who enjoys collecting gear for its appearance as well as its utility.

Gold is a vital resource in any game and it’s no different in the case of Diablo 4. Players can acquire it from all sorts of ways including slaying monsters, completing Side Quests, selling loot and more.

While there are many different ways to earn in-game currency, the most important one is to play the game and explore all the nooks and crannies of Sanctuary. This will not only allow you to encounter more enemies but it also opens up various chests, shrines and other objects that offer a wide variety of rewards.

Some of these may even include unique weapons and armor, powerful elixirs or simply Gold. The latter is often a popular choice as it gives players the flexibility to update their items without the need for inventory or chest space.


The Blacksmith is a very important NPC in Diablo 4. He is responsible for the repair, salvage, and upgrade of weapons, armor and jewelry. He repairs unused gear in exchange for Gold, and can salvage equipment for crafting materials that are needed to upgrade a weapon or piece of armor. This includes a limited number of upgrades to its base damage, as well as its affixes and other attributes. Upgrades are expensive, and require both Gold and Crafting Materials of a particular rarity to be completed.

Players should balance their needs for Gold and Crafting Materials at all times when visiting the Blacksmith. Items of Magic and Rare rarity will likely be worth upgrading, while Legendary equipment may be better off being sold.

Almost all in-game transactions involve gold, including those done at the Inn, the Blacksmith, and the Jeweler. Even a player’s personal Stash requires gold, which can be used to increase its maximum storage capacity. Eventually, players will find themselves needing to sell equipment and salvage loot more often than they buy it, as the game pushes them towards endgame tiers and higher difficulties.


The Jeweler is a key aspect of crafting and upgrading gear in Diablo 4. This NPC allows players to craft powerful gems for their weapons and equipment. It also provides the ability to socket affixes into equipment, giving it new stats like CC Duration or Damage. This allows players to min – max their items and provide more variety in their builds.

The game features a wide variety of unique, legendary, and rare equipment that can be obtained through gameplay. In addition, players can use the game’s currency, gold, to purchase items from various vendors and crafters in Sanctuary. In addition, players can also earn gold by completing dungeons.

The game’s developers have stated that they want to make sure that players are not able to simply buy the best equipment in the game without playing the game. This is evident in the way that the game’s tradable items are set up: the price of an item can change significantly depending on its demand and the status of its affixes. The NPCs in each Act Town sell equipment that can be upgraded with gold, increasing its level and all stats besides the Aspect.


The most obvious way to make diablo 4 gold is by killing enemies. Players can also collect money by exploring Shrines and participating in world events. Additionally, players can earn gold by selling spare items and salvaging their own gear. Completing side quests can also reward players with a large amount of Murmuring Obols and gold.

Shrines are clickable structures that offer a variety of different boosts to your character. They can be found throughout Sanctuary, but they are most prevalent in Dungeons. Each Shrine offers a unique boost that lasts 30 seconds, with some providing a 35% movement speed buff. Players can also find Cursed and Defaced Shrines, which add a twist to the formula by spawning waves of enemies that players have to slay.

Some of the best Shrines to use include the Greed Shrine, which ensures that wherever the brave strike, riches follow; and the Blast Wave Shrine, which spawns explosions that damage enemies around the player. Both of these Shrines can be especially useful in high-level content. Players can also farm a lot of gold by repeatedly running dungeons that contain lots of elite monsters and enemies.